21 November 2011

Another trip to Spain

Last weekend I took my second trip "to the continent" (as the British would say), going to Spain again to visit with Katherine. I'm trying to work a little on my Spanish, which Katherine has been helping me with. Although, she probably didn't think she'd be teaching English by day, and Spanish to her English-speaking-only boyfriend by night. Hopefully by the end of the year I'll be able to do a little more than order a coffee and ask to go to the bathroom (granted, the two most important things in my day).

I arrived on Thursday evening, and all day Friday we went to Toledo, the historic capital of Spain and only a 45 minute bus ride from Madrid. Toledo was beautiful with amazing buildings and a town still behind a reinforcing wall centuries old. We first went by the Alcazar fortress, a building at the highest point in Toledo that is now a military museum.

First building on our way into Toledo

Northern Toledo, notice the wall surrounding the city

Alcazar of Toledo

Me with the military academy in the background

Katherine in Toledo
During the afternoon we walked around to see other old churches and tourism shops, ordered sandwiches from a nice Spanish man, and ate Marzipan, Toledo's most famous desert. This desert is mix of sugar and concentrated almonds, and my first bite (half the Marzipan candy) was a big mistake, as foods with concentrated almonds are very intense and should be eaten slowly (I was later told).

Toledo's main cathedral

Toledo's just before sunset.

Alcazar lit-up at night
On Saturday Katherine and I went to downtown Madrid, visiting the palace and the famous Almudena Cathedral before heading off to coffee at a cafe with a vibe that made us feel like we were back in Oregon. Unfortunately there was a lot of rain Saturday afternoon and evening, so we had quite the rain storm walking home after visiting a few bars in the popular La Latina district of Madrid (another reminder of Oregon).
Me with Madrid (and the Almudena church) in the background

Almudena Cathedral in Madrid

Me in front of the palace of Madrid

Inside the Almudena Cathedral

For Sunday, Katherine and I went to the local park and walked around before cooking tofu, rice, and vegetable stir fry for dinner - another reminiscent dish of Eugene. I was very happy to have the chance to cook a little again, as in my dorm-style living at Cambridge it can be difficult.

The crystal palace from the inside, at Retiro Park in Madrid.

The outside of the crystal palace and Madrid's Retiro Park in the fall.

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